Earth Day falls on April 22 every year. Since launching our new roll-out of sustainability initiatives, we’ve been thinking… this planet’s pretty generous. It gives us all it’s got to offer every minute of every hour, 365 days a year. Feels only fair that we give back more regularly than once a year when Earth Day rolls around, right? Which led us to introducing our latest program with Carbon Neutral: planting one tree for every TAXIBOX booking.
Plant-a-Tree with TAXIBOX: Partnering with Carbon Neutral
If you’ve been wanting to see more trees planted without (literally) getting your hands dirty, we’ve got a solution for you. Book a TAXIBOX, and we’ll plant a tree for you.
This is an ongoing commitment that we’ll be keeping up at TAXIBOX HQ for years to come. As TAXIBOXES continue to get delivered across the country, we’ll continue to grow our forest of TAXITREES behind the scenes. Meaning every time you spot a bright yellow TAXIBOX on the street? There’s one brand new tree growing in the ground, regenerating our ecosystem as we speak.
What Does a TAXITREE Forest Look Like?

GREAT question. While it was tempting to plant a forest in the shape of a TAXIBOX, full of trees growing bright yellow leaves, we left those decisions up to the people that know their stuff: Carbon Neutral.
Finding the space for that many trees would have been a challenge in itself, but thanks to our partnership with Carbon Neutral, we can rest easy knowing that our plant-a-tree contributions are helping to restore the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor, as part of Western Australia’s most ambitious regeneration project yet.
What Kind of Trees Are You Planting?
Like we said, we looked high and low for bright yellow leaved TAXITREES, but native trees (that don’t look like they’re straight out of a Dr Seuss book) are a lot better for the planet, so that’s what we’re planting.
Carbon Neutral plants a mix of biodiverse native species within this project, so that there’s no need to introduce any species that don’t naturally occur within the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor.
What Does This Do for Sustainability?

Quite a bit! By planting one tree for every TAXIBOX booking, we’re able to help Carbon Neutral with their mission to:
- Restore ecosystems
- Preserve biodiversity
- Reverse the impact of deforestation
As a partner of Carbon Neutral’s Plant-a-Tree program, our contributions help to reconnect habitats for native animals by linking small patches of remaining vegetation together, creating a 200km green corridor inland to the coast.
If you want to learn more about The Good Stuff we’re working on at TAXIBOX, we’re still growing these initiatives – you can find everything that’s currently in the works here.
Continue to watch this space for even more good stuff, and in the meantime? You can always book a TAXIBOX of your own, to get one of your very own TAXITREES growing.