It might not be the apocalypse we always imagined, but it’s still an apocalypse. No need to hole up in your underground bunker when this virus is happy for you to lose your mind from the comfort of your couch, mindlessly consuming Netflix. Only problem now is that it’s been over a year and there’s nothing left to watch, you’ve finished every puzzle, and you’ve already baked all the bread. What now? Time to scour blogs for lockdown projects for adults you haven’t tried yet. In comes us.
Lockdown feels like it’s never-ending at this point, so don’t feel like you have to be productive. 2020 you is dead: “I’m going to make the most of these unprecedented times!” Blah blah blah. We’re over it too. If you do feel like being semi-productive, try some of our suggestions.
Watch Paint Dry — No, But Seriously
Why watch 10 hours of paint drying on YouTube when you can do it IRL, in the comfort of your own home? If you’ve always wanted to repaint your space, now’s your time to shine: you’ve got all the time in the world to wait for the paint to dry.
Freshen things up with a fresh coat of paint. Try something new in your spare room, with a colour outside your comfort zone. If you end up hating it, it’s no dramas, you can always repaint it with something less adventurous. Fun fact: there are more than 150,000 shades of white, and at this rate, you might have enough time to try every single one of them by the time the pandemic is over… haha… just kidding… unless?
Instead of covering every piece of furniture in old bed sheets and trying to manoeuvre your way around everything, do yourself a favour. Work smarter, not harder: take everything in the room you’re planning on painting and put it all in a TAXIBOX. With our On-Site Storage, you can take a whole room inside and move it outside, into a storage unit on your property. Keep everything you need out of the paint’s way, but still within arm’s reach.
Pro-tip! Got leftover paint you don’t want to waste? Use it for an afternoon project with your kids. Jazz up your plants in terracotta pots or paint faces on pet rocks when your kids start asking about getting a puppy. It might not fit into the “lockdown projects for adults” category, but it’s a great way to use wasted paint.
Anything you’re not painting, stick into our storage calculator. Find out how many TAXIBOXES you’ll need.
Scratch Your Kitchen Organisation Itch
Let’s be real, there’s a reason lockdown projects for adults are practical. By the time you hit your late twenties, it’s where you get your kicks. Once you’ve organised your kitchen properly, every afternoon you spend baking will be tonnes more fun, because you’ll know where everything is! There’s nothing holding you back from using your favourite baking gadgets when you actually know where they are (hint: it’s not at the very back of the cupboard, impossible to find).
We hate to say it, but in this case, the KonMari method works here: take everything out of your fridge, your pantry, your kitchen cabinets, and lay everything out. Throw out all the weird stuff you’re never going to use, but you’ve still somehow accumulated (cc: the weird soy products your vegan sister gifted you six months ago, knowing you’re really the meatlovers type).
Anything you keep, you can organise. From there, you can set up your shelves with those categories in mind.
Before you know it, your kitchen won’t just be tidier and easier to use, it’ll look the prettiest when you’re competing in Great Lockdown Bakeoff over Zoom with your mates.
Pro-tip! Embrace the retail therapy we all lean on in lockdown, but with a practical purpose: order matching containers online and create a kitchen pantry you actually like to look at.
Step Away from the Screen and Build Something Outside Instead
You can’t travel, you can’t go outside your 5-10km radius… but you can spend some time in your own backyard (it’s not much, we know, but work with us here).
Spend some time outside, away from all the distracting screens inside. Build a deck. Make a pizza oven out of bricks. Construct your own tree-house, no-kids-allowed edition (or make the entry fee getting their chores done). It might be a big job, but it’ll keep you active, keep you busy, and give you an excuse to have people round to your place once this is all over.
Pro-tip! Keep all your tools in one place while you get your backyard project done with On-Site Storage.
Sort Out Your Wardrobe (For Real This Time)
Retail therapy has played a big part in surviving these lockdowns. No shade, but nearly two years into this pandemic, you’re probably running out of hanging space, right? Us too. Time to purge.
Commit to the process. Try everything you own on, and be honest with yourself: what do you actually reach for? You can still sell stuff online during lockdown, so anything you don’t wear that’s still worth something, you can try making some money on. You’re much more likely to make decent money if you take photos of your clothes on… but you probably haven’t had a haircut in a while, so if you have to, just chop crop your head off.
If you’re still running short on space, try storing your seasonal stuff somewhere else. Get a TAXIBOX and fill it with anything that’s not in-season, then get it delivered back when the weather changes.
Pro-tip! Got stuff you don’t wear much anymore, but not feeling ready to get rid of it just yet? Put it in a TAXIBOX and revisit after your first month of free storage is up. If you haven’t reached for it for over a month, it’s time to say goodbye.
Store the seasonal stuff until the weather’s better.
If All Else Fails, Try a 40,000 Piece Puzzle
If you’re not into any of the above lockdown projects for adults, try a Guinness World Record breaking puzzle instead. Apparently the world’s largest puzzle is 40,000 pieces, which would take time. You’ve got heaps of that. Besides, you finished all the basic, 500-1000 piece puzzles last year. It’s time to level up.
Prove to your mates that you’re a lockdown pro, dedicate literally all of the floorspace in your house to a single, gigantic puzzle. Once you’re done, you’ll never want to do a puzzle again.
Pro-tip! Make space for your gigantic puzzle, store everything you own in a TAXIBOX until you’ve completed it and your name’s in the COVID edition of Guinness World Records.