What’s draining your brain? A facehugger from the first Alien movie? Or… normal stuff, like the rest of us? Maybe you’re renovating, maybe you’re moving. Maybe you’re trying to sell your house, or you’re organising an event at the last minute. Or maybe – just maybe – you’re just trying to live your life, but stuff keeps getting in the way (here’s looking at you, guilt beams emanating from the at-home gym equipment). Sounds like you need some quick fixes for your brain drains.
Getting stuff done feels a hell of a lot harder when your brain’s been drained. You won’t get anything done if you don’t ask for help, so let TAXIBOX lend a hand. We’ll help you get the space you need, so you can get on with the good stuff. Here at TAXIBOX, we fix brain drains real quick.
Renovation Mess

Renovating is draining. It always looks way better on an interior design show, when the camera hard cuts between the “before” and the “after” and you’re too distracted by how good the results look to even think about how they got there. IRL, renovating is mess, mayhem, and paint-stained tradies. You’ll stress a lot before you end up at the “after” shot.
To get your tradies on your good side, you have to get all the unnecessary stuff out of the way. If you don’t have the space for it – which, let’s be honest, who does – you’ll be hauling and stacking your stuff from room to room for weeks… months… years. You have to move stuff to make space until you’re done renovating, which could be forever. Q: when do you ever feel fully “done” with decorating and renovating? A: never.
If you want to make forever show up a little faster, get a TAXIBOX. With TAXIBOX’s Mobile Storage Box, you can get all your stuff out of the way and keep it there. We send you a TAXIBOX, you fill it up, we take it away until the renovation is over (probably way past the deadline, but no worries — we can hold onto your stuff for as long as you need, then redeliver it back ASAP).
Working on a large project or DIYing the whole reno yourself? Get On-Site Storage. Our On-Site Storage TAXIBOXES keep your stuff out of sight, on-site. They’re just like our regular TAXIBOXES, but they’re extra secure, extra sturdy, and built to live outside, long-term (or however long you need). Keep all your tools and any other excess right in your backyard, out of your reno’s way.
Need organisation?
Moving Day Anxiety

Everybody hates moving. Sure, there’s a lot to look forward to – fresh paint, a change of scenery, finally some new takeaway options – but when it comes to actually getting your stuff to the new place, you stress out. We all do. Good news is, everything you hate about moving? TAXIBOX can fix.
Why would you worry about renting, returning and parallel parking a truck if you didn’t have to? We’ll send a TAXIBOX right to you. You fill it up with your whole life, then we’ll send it straight to your new place. Easy.
If you’re going rogue across borders, cross-country, we can help you out there too. Don’t do the drive from Melbourne to Brisbane, nobody deserves that. Fly instead. Any anxiety you have about moving interstate, TAXIBOX can sort out.
We’ll ship your TAXIBOX(ES) to your new postcode. Just tell us where you need it and when and we’ll get it sorted for you. Our interstate move solutions are not only less stressful, they’re a lot cheaper too (driving your whole life across the country in a truck adds up).
Need moving… without all the anxiety?
Open House Headaches

Selling your house? Trying to make it look like no-one’s ever lived in it, like every real estate photo you’ve seen online? It’s no easy feat. Regular people have more than just a single bottle of olive oil (extra virgin, of course) living on their kitchen counter. Styling your open house is even trickier than styling it for a photoshoot – you can’t just cram all your clutter out of frame when real people are walking through your actual bedroom.
No need to shove all your stuff into a wardrobe and hope your buyers don’t take a peek when you’ve got a TAXIBOX. Put all your real-life regular stuff in a TAXIBOX and we’ll take it far, far away from your open house. Styling your home with less stuff will create the illusion of more space, even if there isn’t any.
With TAXIBOX, property styling is a hell of a lot simpler. Replace all your worn out, wine-stained furniture with the new stuff the stylist suggests. With a little extra effort and a little less stuff, you’ll be sure to sell for a better price.
Keep your stuff in your TAXIBOX for as long it takes your house to sell. No need to worry about how long it might take; we’ll re-rate your storage if the sale takes longer than you originally planned.
Event Planning Stress

Event planners don’t just hire the caterers, design the table settings and call it a day. As an event planner, you’re expected to do it all, down to the infuriatingly tiny details, like budgets, timelines, and the most boring of all: how you’re going to keep all the food and drinks cold at the venue. With TAXIBOX, you can cross that off the list and get onto the fun stuff a lot faster. We bring the cold stuff to you.
TAXIBOX’s Cool Storage is like your fridge at home, except it’s really big, and you can put it wherever you want. It’s a solution that’s perfect for weddings, festivals, and housemates-invited-a-few-too-many-mates houseparties (if it’s a house-party, get one step ahead — make some space for the plus-ones that weren’t on the guestlist by putting some stuff in On-Site Storage).
These solutions are OH&S, Electrical & Food Safety Compliant, so they’re perfect for professional stuff. Like all our other BOXES, TAXIBOX’s Cool Storage can be delivered virtually anywhere and sit flat on the ground, so loading and unloading is real easy.
We even cover the extra stuff so you can get on with the good stuff — our Cool Rooms come with all the accessories you could possibly need, like shelves, trolleys, extension leads, and even generators.
Moving In Together (Enough Said)

Moving in together should be about puppy love, not tough love. But when you’re trying to merge households peacefully and deal with moving anxiety all at once, the puppy stuff becomes tough stuff pretty quick: who’s place are we moving into? Are we going to find a new, blank slate together? Who’s couch should we keep…(noticed your partner glaring at your old one yet)? Get the tough stuff out of the way and focus on each other instead. Sort it all out with a TAXIBOX.
Get a TAXIBOX and we’ll solve all your moving in together worries at once. We’ll do more than just help you move; we’ll help you combine your stuff, too. Anything you double-up on that you don’t want to get rid of just yet? Any stuff you can’t agree on? Put it in a TAXIBOX and come back to it once you’ve settled in. No need to make rash decisions. You’ve got enough to worry about (like sharing a bathroom sink with your partner for the first time).
No matter what’s draining your brain, we’re here to help. It’s about time you take a break and fill your cup. Take a breather with TAXIBOX — we’ll sort out the messy stuff so you can get on with the good stuff.