Fun Stuff

Sometimes, to make space in your head, you need to work through the hard stuff. Getting your renovating plans up to scratch, tightening your budget, finally making that physio appointment, talking to a professional about why you’re struggling… it’s hard work.

More often than not, making space in your head doesn’t have to be so hard: you might just need to take a sec to have some fun for once. We all need a little dopamine every once in a while. 

Relieve a Little Stress


There’s a reason you need to keep the kids away from the bubble wrap on moving day – they’ll pop every last bubble before you even get a chance to start packing. Now that you’re an adult, you can forget that rule: pop all the bubble wrap you want.

First, order some bubble wrap from our Box Shop for stress-popping. While you wait for your real life bubblewrap to arrive, try the next best thing… virtual bubble wrap.

Zone Out Over 8-Bit


If it’s been a while since you zoned out (in a good way), we have a game to help with that. It’s just like Tetris, but it’s the TAXIBOX version. TAXI. BLOX.

Yep, you heard right. Play your day away and practice packing your TAXIBOX at the same time.  As a bonus? You can get $100 off your TAXIBOX while you let the 8-bit TAXIBLOX tunes calm your mind (disclaimer: only those who have got what it takes can earn the $100 off – are you up for it)?