Money Stuff

Bills have a habit of showing up a little too often, and hanging around a little too long, particularly when moving. You’d think they’d get the memo and see themselves out, but they continue living on your fridge until you pay them. Without fail. 

You can find a few tips below to help out with your money stuff, including resources for financial support, budgeting advice, and our suggestions for keeping your spending a check (including getting a discount on your TAXIBOX… wink wink, nudge nudge). 

Revisit Your Budget


We all start our budgets with the best of intentions, but not all budgets tend to play out that way. After a while, life gets in the way – whether you ordered takeaway a few too many times this month, or your gas bill is a little higher than you thought it might be, sticking to a budget can be tough.

If your budget needs a little tweaking, try Money Smart’s Budget Template to work out where your money is really going, and how you can get it to stay in one place (preferably, in your wallet).

Save Where You Can


Your best bet for saving a little, everywhere you spend? Discounts, discounts, discounts.

Because you’ve read this far, and you asked soooo nicely (you might be reading this on a computer screen, but we can tell you asked nicely, even through the screen), here’s a discount on us, just for you. Use the code LEVELUP50 to get $50 off your Mobile Storage booking.

Reach Out for Support

Sometimes, tightening your budget and getting a discount where you can doesn’t cut it. If you or someone you know is experiencing financial hardship, you can get the support you need via Financial Counselling Australia. Find the resources you need, for free.

In the meantime, if you’re in need of a place to stay or a meal on the table, head to Ask Izzy for all kinds of resources and support.