Renovation Stuff

Sawdust everywhere. Tradies all over the place. Stuff all over your house, with no space to hide (or put anything). Renovating is always messy, but there are a few things you can do to keep the mess to a minimum… spoiler: it involves hiring a few professionals to get the job done.

DIY for Life


If you’re good with your hands, know the difference between an Allen key and a screwdriver, and have a good enough attitude, you can do it yourself. So long as you have the right tools, and most importantly: the right instructions. Spoiler: you should actually follow the instructions when it comes to DIY.

If you’re after some DIY advice, Bunnings has a whole catalogue, where you can learn how to DIY anything in life.

Find a Tradie

DIYing a piece of furniture is simple. DIYing your whole home renovation is a different story. Keep your place in one piece and avoid making a mess of your renovation by hiring some professional help to get the job done right.

Find a recommended local tradie in your area – carpenters, electricians, plumbers, or whatever else you might need – here.